Joshua Muhumuza

Working research title

Msc. Computer Science (AI & Data Science Track) Realization of deep learning techniques to interpret/ classify sickle cell imagery test results from the hemoglobin variant specific location(HbA, HbS and HbC) data in turn enabling remote real time assessment of results for remote health centers

Brief experience about the scholarship

The programme has provided the necessary resources to advance in the Artificial Intelligence field through equipment of the machine learning skills, computer vision, deep learning and analytics. These combined with the mentorship from my mentor at Google DeepMind (Andrea Minchi) has given me deep knowledge on how to efficiently design and implement machine learning and deep learning algorithms(CNN) to better solve health related problems in our communities ranging from air quality prediction to image results interpretation. The faculty at the computer science department has laid ground to my knowledge in Artificial intelligence and research. I am so grateful and hopeful that at the end of the programme will be highly equipped with the skills needed to apply AI in our community

Gloria Ainebyona

Working research title

MSc. Computer Science (AI and Data Science)

Brief experience about the scholarship

I am a Data Science enthusiast, harnessing AI techniques to draw insights from different data. The DeepMind Scholarship is undoubtedly a great opportunity for me to achieve my career goal! Every day I am grateful to God for the scholarship as it has enabled me to attend my Programme with a peace of mind, and not having to worry about the financial situation. I therefore concentrate on my books well knowing tuition is covered. It also offers me the opportunity for academic mentorship where I am able to discuss with my mentor about academic challenges and get advice related to my career path. I am therefore doing the programme with positivity knowing that there isn’t any reason for failure and I pray and hope to emerge out better.

Grace Kwagalakwe

Working research title

MSc. Computer Science (AI & Data science Track)

Brief experience about the scholarship

It has always been my passion to attain further education so that I can explore new realities and facts in the field of ICT. The program has enabled me to achieve this. It has helped me build on my knowledge & has equipped me with more skills in the field of Artificial intelligence ie, Machine learning skills, computer vision, data analytics and visualization skills, etc. Having a deepmind scholarship has allowed me to concentrate and focus on my studies without feeling the financial pressure of getting tuition. The mentorship i ve gotten from my mentor (John Aslanides) has broadened my understanding on how machine learning can be applied to solve real life problems. I am forever grateful for the scholarship opportunity and I believe by the end of the program I will be able to implement the skill acquired and contribute to solving challenges in our communities using Artificial Intelligence techniques.

Brenda Adokorach

Working research title

MSc. Computer Science (AI & Data science Option)

Brief experience about the scholarship

I am an Application Administrator. The DeepMind scholarship has granted me an opportunity to enroll for a graduate program which I have been dreaming for. The program has enabled me to concentrate on studies without worrying about tuition fees and other financial problems which may affect my stay at school. Since I am taking the AI & Data science option, I have learnt alot and am still gaining more insights in Machine learning, deep learning & computer vision and how I can apply the different models to solve real life problems. Through the mentorship program from the scholarship, I have been able to receive a lot of guidance from my mentor(Olivier Henaff) about the graduate program and how I can build my career in AI & Data science. I believe at the end of this program and scholarship, I will be able to solve problems using machine/deep learning algorithm and also be a role model to others especially ladies in technology.